Creating a Photo Story


Inspired by the Photovoice process, I first reviewed participants and selected one or more visual stories they found most important to discuss. Following this, discussions were focused on delineating the meaning of culture and identi­ty captured by the participant. Discussion questions were: What do you see in the pictures? What is happening here? How does this relate to Oman?

The purpose of using these questioning techniques is to respect the right of Omani people to:

  • determine the application of traditional knowledge and the representation of their culture — ‘self-determined’

  • develop a cultural awareness to recognise the sensibilities and diversities of Omani culture — ‘community specific’

  • per­sonally engage for effective communication — ‘shared knowledge’

After the discussion session, I returned the photographs to the participants by sharing them through Google Classroom and Google Drive where further selections were made. They sub­sequently wrote accompanying photo captions to express their images’ ideas and create the completed photo stories.

The resulting photo stories are shared below.